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Welcome to Xaep Studio. This is our inaugural post. In this post we want to explain why we are here and our intentions for Xaep Studio.

Our day job is Route Business Consulting where we help clients identify and implement business growth paths. This work principally involves collaboratively diagnosing the current condition of client businesses, identifying paths to growth (marketing, sales, or operations improvement), what to change to implement the chosen growth path, and how to make the change to mitigate execution risk.

In the process of assisting clients we often observe resource challenges that are outside of Route’s focus. In many cases, we point clients to direct solutions that we are aware of. In some cases we are unable to find direct solutions, but can recommend substitutions. In a few cases we are unable to find either direct solutions or reasonably effective substitutions to real challenges — challenges for which a solution “deserves to exist.”

Xaep Studio was formed to create solutions for a select set of challenges that we deeply believe are deserving of a solution. In other words, these are solutions to common challenges that “deserve to exist.” We have chosen to focus on challenges at the intersection of personal productivity and creative business ideation.

The first of these challenges is one that we encounter so often that we are puzzled by the lack of an effective direct or indirect solution: Business Idea Stewardship. Yes, there are hundreds of notes, task management and idea management apps, but in our work with clients we’ve observed that the challenge is not with keeping lists of ideas — the challenge is figuring out which ideas deserve to be pursued — which then transforms the required solution into an analytics solution. And, yes, you can use Excel to both keep your list and to build analytics models to evaluate each idea. But this solution is compromised because Excel is intimidating to many and is often not convenient when ideas choose to reveal themselves.

We believe there’s a better way. So we decided to build that solution and present it as, in the words of Apple, “Our Signature”:

So, without further delay ..

Monét App Logo
Monét App Logo

Meet Monét — The Business Idea Sketchpad, our first offering to you — the business owner, aspiring entrepreneur, manager, teacher, student.

We hope you love it ❤️.